Privacy Policy


The Silay City Water District (SICIWA) supports the human right to privacy of personal  information of our concessionaires, employees, and stakeholders.  

In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 otherwise known as Republic Act No.  10173, this Privacy Policy governs the collection, processing, storage and disclosure of personal information of the data subjects when transacting with SICIWA. The Water District also commits  to uphold the right to information as provided under Executive Order No. 2, Series 2016 thus,  guarantee support to two fundamental rights. 



SICIWA collects personal information from its data subjects that may be provided or  delivered through whatever means, whether by analog or electronic such as but not limited to  filled-out forms, letters, contracts, legal documents, telephone conversations, or face to face  meetings or messages received by SICIWA contained in email messages, short messaging service  messages, electronic messaging services, mobile applications, or through the SICIWA website  ( as well as other information technology applications that may now  or hereafter be used for communication. 

The personal information may be collected during the official business transaction with  SICIWA such as acceptance of applications for water service connections, reconnection,  temporary disconnection, billing, payment, or collection and may consists of names, addresses (including nearest landmarks), contact details, e-mail address, specimen signatures, date of birth,  age, sex, citizenship, civil status, education, employment details, photographs and other  identification particulars such as official identification cards, membership data, use of products  and services, transaction activity, patterns, account history, as well as financial, educational, and  demographic data. 

SICIWA collects the following personal information from the following categories of data  subjects:


  • Prospective and Existing Customers 

SICIWA collects, stores, processes, and analyzes the information that a data subject  provides from the following sources: 

    1. Information in filled-up in Service Application and Construction Form(SACO) and  Contract for Water Services for initial application, Re-Opening Form for reconnection,  or others, that may contain the name, address, telephone number, tax identification  number, and such other information of the data subject that may be required for the purpose  of proving legal ownership, possession, or occupancy over the premises served by the  water service. SICIWA will not collect sensitive information unless required by applicable  law(s); 
    2. Billing and payment information used to pay for water charges. However, payments made  through banks are captured and processed by the specific payment service of the bank and  are governed by the applicable payment service’s privacy policy; 
    3. Information provided to avail of the senior citizen’s discount as well as other statutory  benefits that may be applicable; 
    4. Information provided in customer/client satisfaction surveys and customer satisfaction  survey; 
    5. Information communicated to SICIWA through analog or electronic means whether in the  form of letters, telephone conversations, e-mail, SMS and other electronic messaging  services, messages to its website, as well as other information technology applications that  may now or hereafter be used for communication, relating to meter or billing complaints,  reporting of leaks, water quality, pressure, and availability concerns, and such other  information voluntarily provided at the point of collection of such information. 
  • Applicants, Active and Separated Employees 
    1. Information contained in the curriculum vitae, resume, application letter, personal data  sheet and other information that may be provided to SICIWA; 
    2. Information gathered from selection interviews, written skills tests, assessment results,  character references, and such other information that SICIWA may collect necessary for  recruitment decisions or to assess the suitability of applicants for positions in SICIWA; 
    3. Information collected during the course of employment such as work history, payroll  information, information pertaining to statutory remittances including, but not limited to,  GSIS, PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig, taxes, health benefits, beneficiaries, emergency contact  information, trainings, performance evaluations, and such other information contained in  an employee’s 201 file; 
    4. Any other information provided at the point of collection of such information.
  • Suppliers, Vendors and Consultants 
    1. Information submitted for purposes of accreditation or evaluation of credentials that  may include the name of the supplier, vendor, or consultant, as well as other  information such as business address, contact numbers, SEC registration and  documentation, financial reports to determine capacity to provide products or services,  and other information that may be required by law and existing rules and regulations  on appropriations and other government transactions; 
    2. Any other information provided at the point of collection of such information.

Guests and Visitors 

    1. Information provided such as name, address, telephone number, purpose of visit, and  vehicle plate number that may be provided by the data subject or gathered by the  security services of SICIWA; 
    2. Any other information provided at the point of collection of such information.

Contact Tracing Registry 

    1. Information provided such as name, address and Contact Number. 



SICIWA stores, processes, and analyzes the information that a data subject provides for  the following purposes: 

  • Prospective and Existing Customers 
    1. To determine the eligibility of a prospective customer for a water service connection,  in particular the legal ownership or right to possession or occupancy over the premises  to be served by a water meter; 
    2. To determine the eligibility of a prospective or existing customer to a senior citizen’s  discount and other benefits that are now or may hereafter be mandated by law; 
    3. To improve the services of SICIWA; 
    4. To meet the purpose(s) for which a data subject submitted the information and any  information relating thereto such as but not limited to water service interruptions,  updates, and alerts and to respond to inquiries, concerns, and complaints; 
    5. To enable SICIWA to accept bill payments according to a data subject’s preferred  payment mode; 
    6. All other purposes in connection with SICIWA’s provision of water services.


  • Applicants, Active and Separated Employees 
    1. For purposes of recruitment and evaluation of employees; 
    2. For determination of salaries and wages, deductions, entitlements, and benefits; 
    3. For maintaining employment records and complying with applicable statutory and  regulatory submissions; 
    4. For processing employee work-related claims; 
    5. For human relations concerns including, but not limited to administering disciplinary  actions, conducting performance reviews, establishing appropriate training, and  developmental interventions; 
    6. All other purposes concerning employment concerns. 
  • Suppliers, Vendors and Consultants 
    1. For supplier or vendor accreditation; 
    2. For evaluation of credentials; 
    3. For establishing business relationships and facilitating the payment of invoices for  goods delivered or services rendered; 
    4. For maintaining or updating vendor/supplier account information; 
    5. For complying with legal and regulatory requirements. 
    6. All other purposes concerning procurement concerns. 
  • Guests and Visitors 
    1. For establishing the identity of guests and visitors and recording the purpose of the  visit and other security purposes; 
    2. For monitoring of activities within the Company premises. 
  • Contact Tracing Registry 

For easy tracing of individual who has potentially been in contact with a COVID positive 



SICIWA shall share personal information acquired in the following instances: 

  1. When SICIWA has the consent of data subject, whether express or implied, provided that  the use or processing of personal information is compatible with the purpose for which the  same was collected; 
  2. On a need-to-know basis, with individuals employed by SICIWA who have a legitimate  business or supervisory interest in the personal information, and
  3. Where it is necessary to meet the purpose(s) for which such data subject has provided the  personal information. 

In cases where SICIWA engages the services of a third-party contractor to assist with its  activities, such third-party is contractually bound to keep the personal information confidential. 



Personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties except under the following  circumstances: 

  1. When required by law or by the DPA; 
  2. Upon reasonable request of government regulators; 
  3. When there is written consent obtained from the data subject; 
  4. Where SICIWA has engaged a third party such as data intermediaries or subcontractors  specifically to assist with its activities. Any such engagement shall be covered by Non Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreements.



SICIWA undertakes to make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Personal data that it  collected or was collected on its behalf is accurate and complete. 



Under and in accordance with the terms of this Data Privacy Policy and upon a valid  written request by the data subject, SICIWA undertakes: 

  1. to provide the data subject with access to his personal information; and 
  2. to correct an error or omission in a data subject’s personal information in the possession  or control of SICIWA subject to verification and confirmation using official records or  documents that will show the error of the data collected. 

Data subjects who wish to gain access to their Personal Information provided to the water  district may officially submit a written request to the office.



SICIWA undertakes to implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical,  and security measures to protect personal information against any accidental or unlawful  destruction, alteration and disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful processing.



All personal information collected is held in a secured place and the district’s commitment  is to implement appropriate security measures and policies to uphold confidentiality and  integrity. All information gathered shall be retained in accordance to the retention period  followed by the district as per General Records Disposition Schedule (GRDS). 

Moreover, SICIWA will keep personal information for as long as necessary: 

  1. to fulfill the declared, specific, and legitimate purposes for which the personal information  is received; or 
  2. for the exercise of legal or business purposes that are consistent with the standards  established or approved by the relevant government authorities.



Our website may include connections to other national government agencies’ websites,  publications, or even short links that use cookies. If you choose to use such links and leave  our website, please be aware that we have no control over such sites and that you will be  subject to their privacy policies, thus we recommend that you read their polices.



SICIWA may subject this policy to changes whenever deemed necessary. If significant  changes are made, we will provide notice by posting on our website and we encourage you to  regularly visit our website for any updates of information. 

APPROVED: February 22, 2022 AS PER BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 14 S. OF 2022

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